Individual results for Joseph Robillard

Location: Farmington,MN

Team: The Lakers 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
64 Doubles Regular 210,258,267 677 1384
111 All Events Regular 702,735,617 333 2054
2715 Singles Regular 203,203,211 104 617
38 Team Regular 201,256,245 577 3165

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 64

Rank Ties Score
53 - 1396
54 - 1392
55 - 1391
56 - 1390
57 - 1389
58 - 1388
59 2 1387
61 3 1385
64 3 1384
67 - 1382
68 - 1381
69 - 1380
70 - 1379
71 3 1377
74 5 1375

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 111

Rank Ties Score
100 2 2061
102 - 2059
103 2 2058
105 2 2057
107 3 2056
110 - 2055
111 2 2054
113 2 2053
115 3 2052
118 6 2051

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 2715

Rank Ties Score
2715 58 617

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 38

Rank Ties Score
26 - 3209
27 - 3206
28 - 3205
29 - 3199
30 - 3197
31 - 3190
32 - 3188
33 - 3184
34 2 3174
36 - 3173
37 - 3170
38 - 3165
39 - 3163
40 - 3162
41 - 3158
42 - 3156
43 - 3155
44 - 3154
45 2 3153
47 - 3152
48 - 3149
49 - 3146
50 - 3145