Individual results for Scott Pohl

Location: Burnsville,MN

Team: Team NABR

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
59 Doubles Regular 190,226,249 715 1387
554 All Events Regular 618,665,656 114 1939
1164 Singles Regular 183,248,225 190 656
51 Team Regular 177,234,207 460 3144

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 59

Rank Ties Score
47 3 1399
50 - 1398
51 2 1397
53 - 1396
54 - 1392
55 - 1391
56 - 1390
57 - 1389
58 - 1388
59 2 1387
61 3 1385
64 3 1384
67 - 1382
68 - 1381
69 - 1380
70 - 1379
71 3 1377

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 554

Rank Ties Score
546 3 1942
549 3 1941
552 2 1940
554 8 1939
562 10 1938

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 1164

Rank Ties Score
1164 27 656

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 51

Rank Ties Score
39 - 3163
40 - 3162
41 - 3158
42 - 3156
43 - 3155
44 - 3154
45 2 3153
47 - 3152
48 - 3149
49 - 3146
50 - 3145
51 3 3144
54 - 3140
55 - 3136
56 - 3133
57 - 3127
58 2 3125
60 - 3124
61 - 3123
62 - 3121
63 - 3120