Individual results for Julie Moldenhauer

Location: Minnesota City,MN

Team: Winona, MN #2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1373 Singles Diamond 169,203,157 N/A 529
1074 All Events Diamond 542,568,529 N/A 1639
52 Team Ruby 180,156,206 193 2084
131 Doubles Ruby 185,191,192 85 1087

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 1373

Rank Ties Score
1373 12 529
1385 9 528

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 1074

Rank Ties Score
1062 4 1643
1066 3 1642
1069 4 1641
1073 - 1640
1074 5 1639
1079 - 1638
1080 7 1637

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 52

Rank Ties Score
42 - 2097
43 - 2095
44 - 2093
45 - 2091
47 - 2087
48 - 2086
50 - 2085
52 - 2084
53 - 2083
54 - 2082
55 - 2081
56 - 2080
57 - 2079
58 - 2078
60 - 2077
61 - 2075
62 - 2073
63 - 2072

Event: Doubles
Division: Ruby
Rank: 131

Rank Ties Score
120 - 1092
121 2 1090
123 4 1089
127 4 1088
131 6 1087
137 2 1086
139 4 1085
143 2 1084