Individual results for Joyce Barr

Location: Lewiston,MN

Team: Winona, MN #2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3384 All Events Sapphire 391,361,421 N/A 1173
1379 Doubles Sapphire 129,126,106 N/A 844
52 Team Ruby 113,128,150 193 2084
2545 Singles Sapphire 136,136,149 N/A 421

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 3384

Rank Ties Score
3379 5 1174
3384 5 1173
3389 8 1172

Event: Doubles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 1379

Rank Ties Score
1379 14 844

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 52

Rank Ties Score
42 - 2097
43 - 2095
44 - 2093
45 - 2091
47 - 2087
48 - 2086
50 - 2085
52 - 2084
53 - 2083
54 - 2082
55 - 2081
56 - 2080
57 - 2079
58 - 2078
60 - 2077
61 - 2075
62 - 2073
63 - 2072

Event: Singles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 2545

Rank Ties Score
2545 28 421