Individual results for Kim Motland

Location: Kent,WA

Team: Motland Express

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1498 Doubles Emerald 152,141,154 N/A 865
180 All Events Sapphire 510,447,517 103 1474
173 Singles Sapphire 172,178,167 168 517
34 Team Ruby 182,148,180 244 2110

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 1498

Rank Ties Score
1486 7 867
1493 5 866
1498 7 865
1505 6 864

Event: All Events
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 180

Rank Ties Score
169 3 1477
172 7 1476
179 - 1475
180 4 1474
184 5 1473
189 - 1472
190 2 1471
192 2 1470

Event: Singles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 173

Rank Ties Score
165 8 518
173 12 517
185 11 516

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 34

Rank Ties Score
22 - 2131
23 - 2126
24 - 2124
25 - 2123
26 - 2121
27 2 2120
30 - 2118
32 - 2115
33 - 2111
34 - 2110
36 - 2108
37 - 2105
38 - 2101
39 2 2100
42 - 2097
43 - 2095
44 - 2093
45 - 2091