Individual results for Jackie Notch

Location: Sioux Falls,SD

Team: Garden Center Lanes 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
468 Doubles Sapphire 135,140,170 N/A 917
1574 Singles Sapphire 151,123,176 N/A 450
69 Team Ruby 105,148,133 162 2069
2215 All Events Sapphire 386,445,450 N/A 1281

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 468

Rank Ties Score
457 11 918
468 18 917

Event: Singles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 1574

Rank Ties Score
1574 40 450

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 69

Rank Ties Score
57 - 2079
58 - 2078
60 - 2077
61 - 2075
62 - 2073
63 - 2072
65 - 2071
66 2 2070
69 2 2069
72 - 2067
74 2 2066
77 - 2065
78 - 2063
80 2 2062

Event: All Events
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 2215

Rank Ties Score
2215 15 1281