Individual results for Ashley Corkran

Location: Bethel,MN

Team: Dawn King Team 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1473 Singles Ruby 160,126,159 N/A 445
316 All Events Ruby 586,544,445 N/A 1575
257 Doubles Diamond 197,171,176 N/A 1080
79 Team Diamond 185,245,156 N/A 2263

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Ruby
Rank: 1473

Rank Ties Score
1462 5 447
1467 6 446
1473 8 445
1481 5 444

Event: All Events
Division: Ruby
Rank: 316

Rank Ties Score
308 4 1577
312 4 1576
316 9 1575
325 4 1574

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 257

Rank Ties Score
245 - 1089
246 - 1088
247 2 1087
249 - 1086
250 - 1084
251 2 1083
253 2 1082
255 2 1081
257 4 1080
261 3 1079
264 2 1078
266 2 1077
268 3 1076

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 79

Rank Ties Score
67 - 2300
69 - 2299
70 - 2295
71 - 2291
72 - 2284
73 - 2282
74 - 2276
76 - 2272
77 - 2271
78 - 2268
79 - 2263
80 2 2256
83 - 2245
84 - 2244
85 - 2240
86 - 2235
87 - 2234
88 - 2232
89 - 2229
90 - 2228
91 - 2218