Individual results for Trista Kimmes

Location: Eagan,MN

Team: Cedarvale Lanes/Dext

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
215 Singles Diamond 243,171,206 51 620
71 All Events Diamond 680,616,620 30 1916
78 Doubles Diamond 199,212,205 46 1216
20 Team Diamond 215,196,269 57 2499

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 215

Rank Ties Score
207 4 622
211 4 621
215 6 620
221 7 619

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 71

Rank Ties Score
60 - 1934
61 - 1933
62 - 1930
63 - 1929
64 - 1928
65 2 1927
67 2 1925
69 - 1922
70 - 1919
71 2 1916
73 - 1915
74 - 1911
75 2 1909
77 - 1908
78 - 1907
79 - 1906
80 - 1905
81 - 1902
82 - 1900
83 - 1899

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 78

Rank Ties Score
66 - 1225
67 2 1223
69 - 1222
70 - 1221
71 - 1220
72 - 1218
73 5 1217
78 - 1216
79 2 1214
81 2 1213
83 - 1212
84 - 1209
85 - 1208
86 - 1207
87 - 1206
88 3 1205

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 20

Rank Ties Score
8 - 2565
10 - 2550
11 - 2544
12 - 2538
14 - 2535
15 - 2519
16 - 2517
17 - 2506
18 - 2505
19 - 2503
20 - 2499
21 - 2489
22 - 2479
23 - 2448
24 - 2444
25 2 2434
28 - 2427
29 - 2423
30 2 2419