Individual results for Amanda Vermilyea

Location: Apple Valley,MN

Team: Dexter Shoes/Cedarva

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
12 Team Diamond 246,277,266 68 2538
5 All Events Diamond 789,618,709 217 2116
52 Doubles Diamond 217,212,189 53 1240
25 Singles Diamond 244,279,186 197 709

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 12

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2767
2 - 2682
3 - 2675
4 - 2663
5 - 2608
6 - 2602
7 - 2572
8 - 2565
10 - 2550
11 - 2544
12 - 2538
14 - 2535
15 - 2519
16 - 2517
17 - 2506
18 - 2505
19 - 2503
20 - 2499
21 - 2489
22 - 2479
23 - 2448
24 - 2444

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 5

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2211
2 - 2196
3 - 2143
4 - 2127
5 - 2116
6 - 2098
7 - 2076
8 - 2075
9 - 2058
10 - 2055
11 - 2041
12 - 2040
13 2 2038
15 - 2037
16 - 2032
17 - 2031

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 52

Rank Ties Score
40 - 1253
41 - 1250
42 2 1248
44 - 1247
45 - 1245
46 2 1244
48 2 1243
50 - 1242
51 - 1241
52 2 1240
54 - 1239
55 - 1238
56 - 1235
57 2 1233
59 - 1231
60 - 1230
61 - 1229
62 3 1228

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 25

Rank Ties Score
13 - 743
14 - 737
15 - 727
16 - 725
17 - 723
18 - 720
19 - 719
20 2 716
22 - 713
23 - 711
24 - 710
25 - 709
26 - 708
27 2 707
29 - 705
30 - 704
31 - 701
32 2 700
34 3 698
37 2 697