Individual results for Hannah Munson

Location: Ankeny,IA

Team: Dexter Shoes/Cedarva

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
142 All Events Diamond 582,651,612 22 1845
71 Doubles Diamond 213,185,253 47 1220
12 Team Diamond 169,199,214 68 2538
263 Singles Diamond 187,213,212 46 612

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 142

Rank Ties Score
131 - 1853
132 3 1852
135 3 1851
138 2 1850
140 - 1849
141 - 1846
142 2 1845
144 2 1844
146 - 1843
147 2 1842
149 4 1841
153 2 1840

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 71

Rank Ties Score
59 - 1231
60 - 1230
61 - 1229
62 3 1228
65 - 1227
66 - 1225
67 2 1223
69 - 1222
70 - 1221
71 - 1220
72 - 1218
73 5 1217
78 - 1216
79 2 1214
81 2 1213
83 - 1212

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 12

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2767
2 - 2682
3 - 2675
4 - 2663
5 - 2608
6 - 2602
7 - 2572
8 - 2565
10 - 2550
11 - 2544
12 - 2538
14 - 2535
15 - 2519
16 - 2517
17 - 2506
18 - 2505
19 - 2503
20 - 2499
21 - 2489
22 - 2479
23 - 2448
24 - 2444

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 263

Rank Ties Score
257 6 613
263 7 612
270 3 611
273 9 610