Individual results for Shirley Stahl

Location: Milwaukee,WI

Team: Dexter Shoes/Cedarva

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
60 Singles Diamond 266,214,198 111 678
132 All Events Diamond 601,573,678 22 1852
187 Doubles Diamond 153,179,241 N/A 1125
12 Team Diamond 193,184,224 68 2538

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 60

Rank Ties Score
50 - 685
51 - 684
52 2 683
54 - 682
55 2 681
57 3 680
60 5 678
65 - 677
66 2 675
68 3 674
71 - 672
72 3 670

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 132

Rank Ties Score
122 3 1857
125 3 1856
128 3 1854
131 - 1853
132 3 1852
135 3 1851
138 2 1850
140 - 1849
141 - 1846
142 2 1845
144 2 1844

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 187

Rank Ties Score
175 2 1135
177 - 1134
178 - 1133
179 2 1132
181 - 1131
182 2 1130
184 - 1128
185 2 1126
187 4 1125
191 3 1124
194 2 1123
196 2 1122
198 2 1120

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 12

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2767
2 - 2682
3 - 2675
4 - 2663
5 - 2608
6 - 2602
7 - 2572
8 - 2565
10 - 2550
11 - 2544
12 - 2538
14 - 2535
15 - 2519
16 - 2517
17 - 2506
18 - 2505
19 - 2503
20 - 2499
21 - 2489
22 - 2479
23 - 2448
24 - 2444