Individual results for Emily Peterson

Location: West Fargo,ND

Team: Locker Guy / CCL

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
753 Singles Diamond 151,204,192 N/A 547
551 All Events Diamond 584,541,547 N/A 1672
46 Team Diamond 176,222,186 45 2354
113 Doubles Diamond 188,155,198 N/A 1183

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 753

Rank Ties Score
741 12 548
753 11 547
764 10 546

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 551

Rank Ties Score
540 4 1675
544 6 1674
550 - 1673
551 5 1672
556 10 1671

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 46

Rank Ties Score
34 - 2406
35 - 2403
36 - 2402
37 - 2396
38 - 2395
39 - 2393
40 - 2390
41 - 2388
42 - 2378
43 - 2377
44 - 2370
45 - 2357
46 2 2354
49 - 2350
50 - 2348
51 - 2347
52 - 2342
54 - 2339
55 - 2334
56 2 2331

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 113

Rank Ties Score
101 - 1196
102 - 1195
103 2 1194
105 - 1189
106 - 1188
107 2 1187
109 - 1186
110 2 1185
112 - 1184
113 - 1183
114 - 1181
115 2 1180
117 - 1179
118 2 1178
120 3 1174
123 - 1173
124 - 1172
125 - 1171