Individual results for Erin Novak

Location: Burnsville,MN

Team: Locker Guy / CCL

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
135 Doubles Diamond 167,191,223 N/A 1160
157 Singles Diamond 246,169,220 61 635
46 Team Diamond 191,200,194 45 2354
218 All Events Diamond 585,581,635 N/A 1801

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 135

Rank Ties Score
123 - 1173
124 - 1172
125 - 1171
126 - 1170
127 2 1169
129 - 1167
130 2 1166
132 - 1165
133 - 1163
134 - 1162
135 - 1160
136 - 1159
137 - 1158
138 2 1157
140 3 1156
143 2 1155
145 2 1154
147 2 1152

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 157

Rank Ties Score
146 4 639
150 2 638
152 3 637
155 2 636
157 5 635
162 5 634
167 3 633

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 46

Rank Ties Score
34 - 2406
35 - 2403
36 - 2402
37 - 2396
38 - 2395
39 - 2393
40 - 2390
41 - 2388
42 - 2378
43 - 2377
44 - 2370
45 - 2357
46 2 2354
49 - 2350
50 - 2348
51 - 2347
52 - 2342
54 - 2339
55 - 2334
56 2 2331

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 218

Rank Ties Score
207 2 1807
209 - 1806
210 5 1804
215 3 1802
218 2 1801
220 2 1800
222 2 1799
224 4 1798
228 - 1796
229 2 1794