Individual results for Tanya Boehmke

Location: Houston,MN

Team: Nordic Lanes IV

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
2987 All Events Emerald 367,468,415 N/A 1250
1075 Team Emerald 116,111,140 N/A 1657
2886 Singles Emerald 128,155,132 N/A 415
551 Doubles Emerald 177,164,127 N/A 946

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Emerald
Rank: 2987

Rank Ties Score
2976 4 1252
2980 7 1251
2987 7 1250
2994 7 1249

Event: Team
Division: Emerald
Rank: 1075

Rank Ties Score
1064 8 1658
1075 4 1657
1080 5 1656
1087 4 1655

Event: Singles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 2886

Rank Ties Score
2886 15 415

Event: Doubles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 551

Rank Ties Score
546 5 947
551 7 946
558 10 945