Individual results for Michelle Perry

Location: Isanti,MN

Team: RotoGrip A-Z Pro Sho

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
289 Doubles Diamond 135,188,179 N/A 1063
772 All Events Diamond 561,502,548 N/A 1611
741 Singles Diamond 154,221,173 N/A 548
55 Team Diamond 213,175,173 44 2334

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 289

Rank Ties Score
277 - 1070
278 3 1069
281 - 1068
282 3 1067
285 - 1066
286 3 1065
289 2 1063
291 3 1062
294 4 1061
298 - 1060
299 2 1058
301 - 1057

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 772

Rank Ties Score
761 2 1614
763 5 1613
768 4 1612
772 8 1611
780 - 1610
781 4 1609

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 741

Rank Ties Score
731 10 549
741 12 548
753 11 547

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 55

Rank Ties Score
43 - 2377
44 - 2370
45 - 2357
46 2 2354
49 - 2350
50 - 2348
51 - 2347
52 - 2342
54 - 2339
55 - 2334
56 2 2331
59 - 2328
60 - 2317
61 2 2312
64 - 2306
65 - 2305
66 - 2303
67 - 2300