Individual results for Julie Patnode

Location: Plymouth,MN

Team: RC3 Painting 2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
191 Doubles Diamond 160,190,205 N/A 1124
310 All Events Diamond 587,555,615 N/A 1757
241 Singles Diamond 200,200,215 48 615
56 Team Diamond 204,197,186 44 2331

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 191

Rank Ties Score
179 2 1132
181 - 1131
182 2 1130
184 - 1128
185 2 1126
187 4 1125
191 3 1124
194 2 1123
196 2 1122
198 2 1120
200 - 1119
201 2 1118
203 - 1117

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 310

Rank Ties Score
302 4 1760
306 2 1759
308 2 1758
310 3 1757
313 - 1756
314 6 1755
320 2 1754
322 4 1753

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 241

Rank Ties Score
234 3 617
237 4 616
241 8 615
249 8 614

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 56

Rank Ties Score
44 - 2370
45 - 2357
46 2 2354
49 - 2350
50 - 2348
51 - 2347
52 - 2342
54 - 2339
55 - 2334
56 2 2331
59 - 2328
60 - 2317
61 2 2312
64 - 2306
65 - 2305
66 - 2303
67 - 2300