Individual results for Sara Weimer

Location: Bear,DE

Team: RC3 Painting 2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
187 Doubles Diamond 166,188,195 N/A 1125
911 All Events Diamond 547,549,484 N/A 1580
56 Team Diamond 149,205,193 44 2331
1239 Singles Diamond 157,173,154 N/A 484

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 187

Rank Ties Score
175 2 1135
177 - 1134
178 - 1133
179 2 1132
181 - 1131
182 2 1130
184 - 1128
185 2 1126
187 4 1125
191 3 1124
194 2 1123
196 2 1122
198 2 1120

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 911

Rank Ties Score
900 - 1583
901 3 1582
904 7 1581
911 3 1580
914 4 1579
918 6 1578

Event: Team
Division: Diamond
Rank: 56

Rank Ties Score
44 - 2370
45 - 2357
46 2 2354
49 - 2350
50 - 2348
51 - 2347
52 - 2342
54 - 2339
55 - 2334
56 2 2331
59 - 2328
60 - 2317
61 2 2312
64 - 2306
65 - 2305
66 - 2303
67 - 2300

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 1239

Rank Ties Score
1229 3 486
1232 7 485
1239 10 484
1249 5 483