Individual results for Lynne Cosmano

Location: Alexandria,MN

Team: Garden Center Lanes

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
2814 Singles Amethyst 99,122,114 N/A 335
2725 All Events Amethyst 353,353,335 N/A 1041
375 Team Sapphire 114,123,116 N/A 1536
1013 Doubles Sapphire 127,109,117 N/A 867

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Amethyst
Rank: 2814

Rank Ties Score
2805 9 336
2814 7 335
2821 18 334

Event: All Events
Division: Amethyst
Rank: 2725

Rank Ties Score
2716 7 1043
2723 2 1042
2725 5 1041
2730 4 1040
2734 7 1039

Event: Team
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 375

Rank Ties Score
363 2 1540
366 2 1539
369 2 1538
372 2 1537
375 5 1536
382 5 1535

Event: Doubles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 1013

Rank Ties Score
1013 9 867
1022 12 866