Individual results for Axeen Armstrong

Location: Glenwood,MN

Team: Garden Center Lanes

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3370 Singles Emerald 110,125,118 N/A 353
3278 All Events Emerald 396,420,353 N/A 1169
239 Team Ruby 136,148,112 N/A 1916
859 Doubles Sapphire 130,142,148 N/A 877

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 3370

Rank Ties Score
3358 2 360
3360 2 359
3362 2 358
3364 2 357
3366 2 355
3368 2 354
3370 4 353
3374 3 352
3377 3 351
3380 4 350

Event: All Events
Division: Emerald
Rank: 3278

Rank Ties Score
3267 2 1174
3269 3 1173
3272 3 1172
3275 - 1171
3276 2 1170
3278 3 1169
3281 3 1167
3284 - 1166
3285 3 1164
3288 - 1162
3289 2 1161

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 239

Rank Ties Score
227 - 1920
229 2 1919
232 - 1918
234 4 1917
239 4 1916
244 - 1915
246 2 1914
249 4 1913

Event: Doubles
Division: Sapphire
Rank: 859

Rank Ties Score
859 14 877