Individual results for Kathryn Hallstrom

Location: Alexandria,MN

Team: Garden Center Lanes

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
164 Doubles Emerald 158,161,255 59 1005
46 All Events Emerald 506,574,517 86 1597
239 Team Ruby 167,168,171 N/A 1916
444 Singles Emerald 173,177,167 55 517

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 164

Rank Ties Score
152 5 1009
157 2 1008
159 3 1007
162 2 1006
164 8 1005
172 2 1004
174 5 1003

Event: All Events
Division: Emerald
Rank: 46

Rank Ties Score
34 - 1606
35 3 1605
38 - 1603
39 2 1602
41 3 1601
44 2 1600
46 2 1597
48 3 1596
51 2 1595
53 - 1594
54 2 1593
56 - 1592
57 3 1589

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 239

Rank Ties Score
227 - 1920
229 2 1919
232 - 1918
234 4 1917
239 4 1916
244 - 1915
246 2 1914
249 4 1913

Event: Singles
Division: Emerald
Rank: 444

Rank Ties Score
444 16 517