Individual results for Dayna Malinen

Location: St Cloud,MN

Team: Little Caesars

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
294 Doubles Diamond 177,155,185 N/A 991
696 All Events Diamond 489,517,535 N/A 1541
417 Team Ruby 198,114,177 N/A 1807
573 Singles Diamond 183,158,194 N/A 535

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 294

Rank Ties Score
282 3 997
285 2 996
287 2 995
289 2 994
291 2 993
293 - 992
294 2 991
296 3 990
299 2 989
301 - 987
302 4 986
306 4 984

Event: All Events
Division: Diamond
Rank: 696

Rank Ties Score
688 3 1544
691 3 1543
694 2 1542
696 5 1541
701 3 1540
704 9 1539

Event: Team
Division: Ruby
Rank: 417

Rank Ties Score
405 4 1809
410 5 1808
417 2 1807
420 2 1806
423 4 1805
428 4 1804

Event: Singles
Division: Diamond
Rank: 573

Rank Ties Score
563 10 536
573 13 535