Individual results for KatieMae Pritchard

Location: Coon Rapids,MN

Team: Garden Center/Prog Bowlin

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
24 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 610,585,771 369 2110
155 Doubles Old Diamond/Classic 205,215,165 50 1311
60 Team Old Diamond/Classic 216,204,190 N/A 3127
6 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 238,227,234 700 771

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 24

Rank Ties Score
12 - 2140
13 - 2134
14 - 2127
15 - 2126
16 - 2123
17 - 2121
18 - 2118
19 3 2115
22 - 2113
23 - 2111
24 2 2110
26 - 2107
27 - 2105
28 2 2100
30 - 2099
31 2 2097
33 - 2096
34 - 2094
35 - 2093
36 - 2092

Event: Doubles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 155

Rank Ties Score
144 4 1314
148 4 1313
152 3 1312
155 5 1311
160 4 1310
164 3 1309
167 7 1308

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 60

Rank Ties Score
48 - 3143
49 - 3141
50 - 3140
51 - 3139
52 - 3138
53 2 3137
55 - 3136
56 - 3134
57 - 3133
58 2 3131
60 - 3127
61 - 3126
62 2 3125
64 2 3124
66 - 3123
67 - 3122
68 - 3120
69 - 3118
70 - 3115
71 - 3114
72 - 3109

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 6

Rank Ties Score
1 - 806
2 - 796
3 - 794
4 - 775
5 - 772
6 - 771
7 - 768
8 - 763
9 - 762
10 - 759
11 - 757
12 2 755
14 - 753
15 2 751
17 2 750