Individual results for Koreen Accardo

Location: Mount Morris,MI

Team: Twin City Hose 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3120 Doubles Div I 169,154,136 N/A 1029
466 Singles Div I 187,209,190 92 595
72 Team Old Diamond/Classic 129,216,146 N/A 3109
4349 All Events Div I 491,459,595 N/A 1563

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Div I
Rank: 3120

Rank Ties Score
3120 46 1029

Event: Singles
Division: Div I
Rank: 466

Rank Ties Score
466 13 595

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 72

Rank Ties Score
60 - 3127
61 - 3126
62 2 3125
64 2 3124
66 - 3123
67 - 3122
68 - 3120
69 - 3118
70 - 3115
71 - 3114
72 - 3109
73 3 3107
76 - 3103
77 2 3100
79 - 3093
80 - 3090
81 - 3088
82 2 3085
84 2 3080

Event: All Events
Division: Div I
Rank: 4349

Rank Ties Score
4349 43 1563