Individual results for Kris Geister

Location: Bloomington,MN

Team: Garden Center/Prog Bowlin

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
813 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 181,215,203 N/A 644
60 Team Old Diamond/Classic 160,150,204 N/A 3127
416 Doubles Old Diamond/Classic 170,183,221 N/A 1251
1500 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 514,574,644 N/A 1822

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 813

Rank Ties Score
813 19 644

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 60

Rank Ties Score
48 - 3143
49 - 3141
50 - 3140
51 - 3139
52 - 3138
53 2 3137
55 - 3136
56 - 3134
57 - 3133
58 2 3131
60 - 3127
61 - 3126
62 2 3125
64 2 3124
66 - 3123
67 - 3122
68 - 3120
69 - 3118
70 - 3115
71 - 3114
72 - 3109

Event: Doubles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 416

Rank Ties Score
404 2 1255
406 4 1254
410 5 1253
415 - 1252
416 7 1251
423 4 1250
427 - 1249
428 7 1248

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1500

Rank Ties Score
1500 19 1822