Individual results for Marlos Taylor

Location: Minneapolis,MN

Team: Strike Factor

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
70 Team Old Diamond/Classic 188,166,163 N/A 3130
1358 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 175,186,186 N/A 616
1673 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 517,525,616 N/A 1796
172 Doubles Old Diamond/Classic 160,214,151 43 1293

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 70

Rank Ties Score
58 - 3146
59 - 3145
60 2 3143
62 - 3142
63 - 3141
64 - 3140
65 2 3138
67 - 3135
68 - 3133
69 - 3131
70 2 3130
72 - 3127
73 - 3125
74 - 3121
75 - 3120
76 - 3116
77 - 3115
78 2 3114
80 - 3113
81 - 3112
82 - 3110

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1358

Rank Ties Score
1358 22 616

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1673

Rank Ties Score
1673 19 1796

Event: Doubles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 172

Rank Ties Score
163 2 1296
165 4 1295
169 3 1294
172 5 1293
177 - 1292
178 4 1291
182 2 1290
184 2 1289