Individual results for Patricia McGerr

Location: Ramsey,MN

Team: Strike Factor

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3013 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 451,584,512 N/A 1625
3161 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 194,147,132 N/A 512
55 Doubles Old Diamond/Classic 233,177,174 154 1342
70 Team Old Diamond/Classic 145,144,162 N/A 3130

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 3013

Rank Ties Score
3003 2 1629
3005 2 1628
3007 3 1627
3010 3 1626
3013 3 1625
3016 3 1624
3019 - 1623
3020 2 1622
3022 4 1621

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 3161

Rank Ties Score
3154 4 514
3158 3 513
3161 5 512
3166 4 511
3170 3 510
3173 3 509

Event: Doubles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 55

Rank Ties Score
45 2 1350
47 2 1349
49 3 1345
52 2 1344
54 - 1343
55 - 1342
56 2 1340
58 3 1338
61 5 1337
66 - 1336
67 4 1335

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 70

Rank Ties Score
58 - 3146
59 - 3145
60 2 3143
62 - 3142
63 - 3141
64 - 3140
65 2 3138
67 - 3135
68 - 3133
69 - 3131
70 2 3130
72 - 3127
73 - 3125
74 - 3121
75 - 3120
76 - 3116
77 - 3115
78 2 3114
80 - 3113
81 - 3112
82 - 3110