Individual results for Teri Berndt

Location: Eagan,MN

Team: Get Away Girls III

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
12089 Singles Div I 118,143,126 N/A 450
6802 Doubles Div I 107,132,138 N/A 902
2687 Team Div I 146,130,102 N/A 2360
12376 All Events Div I 378,377,450 N/A 1331

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Div I
Rank: 12089

Rank Ties Score
12089 46 450

Event: Doubles
Division: Div I
Rank: 6802

Rank Ties Score
6802 14 902

Event: Team
Division: Div I
Rank: 2687

Rank Ties Score
2682 5 2361
2687 6 2360
2693 6 2359
2699 9 2358

Event: All Events
Division: Div I
Rank: 12376

Rank Ties Score
12366 10 1332
12376 12 1331
12388 4 1330