Individual results for Rose Lumb

Location: Moundsview,MN

Team: Get Away Girls II

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1186 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 172,158,173 N/A 623
5259 Doubles Div I 135,171,162 N/A 963
1537 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 477,468,623 N/A 1808
113 Team Old Diamond/Classic 138,149,190 N/A 3076

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1186

Rank Ties Score
1186 26 623

Event: Doubles
Division: Div I
Rank: 5259

Rank Ties Score
5259 38 963

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1537

Rank Ties Score
1537 12 1808
1549 8 1807

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 113

Rank Ties Score
101 2 3093
103 - 3092
104 - 3091
105 - 3088
106 - 3085
107 - 3084
108 - 3082
109 2 3081
111 - 3079
112 - 3077
113 2 3076
115 - 3075
116 2 3073
118 - 3068
119 5 3066
124 - 3062
125 2 3059