Individual results for Michelle Dickie

Location: Hugo,MN

Team: Linds Northern Stars II

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
84 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 527,707,651 177 2041
7 Doubles Old Diamond/Classic 280,222,205 475 1437
119 Team Old Diamond/Classic 204,185,138 N/A 3066
624 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 186,213,174 N/A 651

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 84

Rank Ties Score
72 - 2051
73 - 2050
74 - 2049
75 - 2048
76 2 2047
78 - 2046
79 - 2044
80 3 2043
83 - 2042
84 3 2041
87 - 2038
88 3 2036
91 2 2035
93 3 2034
96 4 2033

Event: Doubles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 7

Rank Ties Score
1 - 1484
2 - 1483
3 - 1457
4 2 1452
6 - 1450
7 - 1437
8 2 1431
10 - 1411
11 - 1410
12 - 1406
13 2 1400
15 3 1399
18 - 1396
19 - 1393

Event: Team
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 119

Rank Ties Score
107 - 3084
108 - 3082
109 2 3081
111 - 3079
112 - 3077
113 2 3076
115 - 3075
116 2 3073
118 - 3068
119 5 3066
124 - 3062
125 2 3059
127 - 3058
128 - 3057
129 - 3055
130 2 3054

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 624

Rank Ties Score
624 16 651
626 - 0