Individual results for Christopher Wiley

Location: Freeport,IL

Team: K and J Finishing 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
5 Singles Regular 259,245,258 3968 762
3 Team Regular 193,243,222 3567 3433
2 Doubles Regular 219,248,247 6033 1438
6 All Events Regular 658,714,762 2122 2134

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 5

Rank Ties Score
1 - 813
2 - 795
3 - 775
4 - 764
5 - 762
6 - 761
7 - 759
8 - 757
9 - 756
10 - 755
11 - 752
12 2 747
14 - 746
15 - 742
16 - 740
17 - 739

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 3

Rank Ties Score
1 - 3578
2 - 3449
3 - 3433
4 - 3430
5 - 3422
6 - 3420
7 - 3408
8 - 3405
9 - 3391
10 - 3382
11 - 3374
12 - 3351
13 - 3345
14 - 3338
15 - 3337

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 2

Rank Ties Score
1 - 1482
2 - 1438
3 - 1401
4 - 1388
5 - 1378
6 - 1366
7 - 1364
8 - 1362
9 - 1360
10 - 1356
11 - 1355
12 - 1351
13 2 1350

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 6

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2242
2 - 2216
3 - 2165
4 - 2162
5 - 2147
6 - 2134
7 - 2123
8 - 2120
9 - 2118
10 - 2117
11 - 2108
12 2 2100
14 - 2099
15 - 2096
16 2 2083
18 - 2080