Individual results for Robert Wolfe

Location: Eau Claire,WI

Team: Mixed Bag 2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
5252 All Events Regular 591,556,536 N/A 1683
8086 Doubles Regular 188,193,175 N/A 556
100 Team Regular 224,208,159 251 3168
8565 Singles Regular 210,172,154 N/A 536

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 5252

Rank Ties Score
5252 36 1683

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 8086

Rank Ties Score
8074 - 592
8075 - 579
8076 - 577
8077 - 576
8078 - 575
8079 - 574
8080 - 569
8081 - 564
8082 - 563
8083 - 561
8084 - 560
8086 - 556
8087 - 554
8088 - 549
8091 - 545
8092 - 543
8093 - 542
8095 - 536
8096 - 534
8098 - 530

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 100

Rank Ties Score
88 - 3191
89 - 3190
90 2 3188
92 - 3186
93 - 3184
94 - 3179
95 - 3178
96 - 3176
97 2 3174
99 - 3169
100 2 3168
102 - 3167
103 2 3166
105 - 3165
106 - 3163
107 - 3162
108 - 3161
109 - 3160
110 - 3159
111 2 3155

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 8565

Rank Ties Score
8565 112 536