Individual results for Gregg Hanson

Location: Barefoot Bay,FL

Team: 900 Legend Team 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
9799 Singles Classified 126,138,135 N/A 399
3323 Team Regular 144,163,178 N/A 2204
5550 Doubles Classified 125,158,122 N/A 666
7471 All Events Classified 485,405,399 N/A 1289

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 9799

Rank Ties Score
9799 51 399

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 3323

Rank Ties Score
3312 - 2249
3313 2 2246
3315 - 2232
3316 - 2229
3317 - 2228
3318 - 2224
3319 - 2216
3320 - 2214
3321 - 2210
3322 - 2205
3323 - 2204
3325 - 2200
3326 - 2196
3327 - 2190
3328 - 2185
3329 - 2182
3330 - 2181
3331 2 2171
3333 - 2159
3334 - 2154
3335 - 2148

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 5550

Rank Ties Score
5538 - 678
5539 2 677
5541 - 676
5542 2 673
5544 - 672
5545 2 671
5547 - 670
5548 - 669
5549 - 667
5550 3 666
5553 2 665
5555 - 664
5556 - 663
5557 - 661
5558 - 659
5559 - 658
5560 - 657
5561 4 655

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 7471

Rank Ties Score
7471 32 1289