Individual results for Katherine T Pham

Location: Arlington,TX

Team: Just Go Bowl 4

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3365 Team Regular 112,130,129 N/A 1813

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 3365

Rank Ties Score
3353 - 2036
3354 - 2012
3355 - 1997
3356 - 1989
3357 - 1978
3358 - 1967
3359 - 1961
3360 - 1952
3361 - 1921
3362 - 1917
3363 - 1872
3364 - 1863
3365 - 1813
3366 - 1810
3367 - 1809
3368 - 1773
3369 - 1730
3370 - 1725
3371 - 1568
3372 - 1564
3373 - 1481
3374 - 1478
3375 - 1469
3376 - 1461
3377 - 1456