Individual results for David Mclaughlin

Location: Massillon,OH

Team: Professional Status

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1929 Team Regular 170,223,203 N/A 2721
16534 All Events Regular 596,526,125 N/A 1247
4911 Doubles Regular 126,209,191 N/A 1056
16999 Singles Regular 125,0,0 N/A 125

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 1929

Rank Ties Score
1921 5 2723
1926 3 2722
1929 8 2721
1937 8 2720

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 16534

Rank Ties Score
16526 - 1260
16527 - 1259
16528 - 1255
16529 - 1254
16530 - 1252
16531 - 1250
16532 - 1249
16533 - 1248
16534 - 1247
16535 - 1244
16536 2 1243
16538 - 1232
16539 - 1231
16540 2 1229
16542 - 1228
16543 - 1227
16544 - 1221
16545 - 1214
16546 - 1213

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 4911

Rank Ties Score
4911 45 1056

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 16999

Rank Ties Score
16988 - 288
16989 - 278
16990 - 272
16991 - 267
16992 - 224
16993 - 208
16994 - 201
16995 2 144
16997 - 142
16998 - 132
16999 - 125
17000 - 101
17001 - 100
17002 - 95
17003 - 93
17004 - 50
17005 - 28