Individual results for Marc McDowell

Location: Merrillan,WI

Team: 1 - Frost Memor

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
117 Team Regular 235,197,248 215 3206
292 Singles Regular 236,248,228 374 712
66 Doubles Regular 258,244,207 593 1378
68 All Events Regular 680,709,712 405 2101

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 117

Rank Ties Score
105 2 3217
107 - 3216
108 2 3215
110 - 3214
111 - 3211
112 - 3209
113 3 3208
116 - 3207
117 - 3206
118 2 3205
120 2 3204
122 - 3202
123 3 3201
126 2 3199
128 - 3198
129 - 3197

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 292

Rank Ties Score
285 7 713
292 5 712
297 8 711

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 66

Rank Ties Score
54 - 1387
55 3 1386
58 - 1385
59 2 1383
61 - 1382
62 3 1380
65 - 1379
66 2 1378
68 2 1377
70 - 1376
71 3 1375
74 2 1373
76 2 1372
78 4 1371

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 68

Rank Ties Score
57 - 2113
58 - 2111
59 - 2110
60 2 2109
62 - 2107
63 - 2106
64 - 2105
65 2 2104
67 - 2103
68 2 2101
70 2 2100
72 - 2099
73 4 2098
77 2 2097
79 - 2096
80 4 2095