Individual results for Neil Gaspard

Location: Lafayette,LA

Team: Performance Plus

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
7059 All Events Regular 442,570,616 N/A 1628
2508 Team Regular 140,139,163 N/A 2441
1934 Singles Regular 205,189,222 75 616
1229 Doubles Regular 177,189,204 56 1158

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 7059

Rank Ties Score
7059 30 1628

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 2508

Rank Ties Score
2496 2 2447
2498 3 2446
2501 2 2445
2503 - 2444
2504 - 2443
2505 3 2442
2508 - 2441
2509 2 2440
2511 2 2439
2513 - 2438
2514 4 2437
2518 - 2436
2519 3 2435

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 1934

Rank Ties Score
1934 52 616

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 1229

Rank Ties Score
1229 14 1158