Individual results for Mike A Dole

Location: Grand Haven,MI

Team: Thanks Cousins

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
143 Team Regular 199,206,244 132 3087
770 Singles Regular 215,225,214 140 654
195 All Events Regular 649,682,654 145 1985
222 Doubles Regular 247,189,246 175 1264

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 143

Rank Ties Score
132 - 3099
133 2 3097
135 - 3096
136 - 3095
137 - 3094
138 - 3093
139 2 3092
141 - 3091
142 - 3089
143 - 3087
144 - 3086
145 - 3085
146 2 3084
148 - 3083
149 - 3082
150 - 3079
151 2 3078
153 2 3077
155 - 3076

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 770

Rank Ties Score
770 20 654

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 195

Rank Ties Score
184 2 1990
186 2 1989
188 2 1988
190 - 1987
191 4 1986
195 4 1985
199 3 1984
202 - 1983
203 2 1982
205 - 1981
206 7 1980

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 222

Rank Ties Score
211 7 1268
218 - 1267
219 2 1266
221 - 1265
222 2 1264
224 4 1263
228 7 1262