Individual results for Patrick Graham

Location: North Ridgeville,OH

Team: Just Friends Too

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1161 Team Classified 99,84,87 N/A 1899
1452 Doubles Classified 139,102,115 N/A 915
8963 Singles Classified 118,133,100 N/A 351
8632 All Events Classified 270,356,351 N/A 977

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 1161

Rank Ties Score
1149 2 1923
1151 2 1921
1153 - 1919
1154 - 1915
1155 - 1911
1156 - 1910
1157 - 1909
1158 - 1903
1159 - 1901
1160 - 1900
1161 - 1899
1162 - 1891
1163 - 1888
1164 - 1887
1165 2 1886
1167 - 1879
1168 - 1875
1169 - 1864
1170 2 1862
1172 - 1856
1173 - 1842

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 1452

Rank Ties Score
1452 29 915

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 8963

Rank Ties Score
8963 16 351

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 8632

Rank Ties Score
8620 3 985
8623 - 983
8624 3 982
8627 - 981
8628 - 979
8629 3 978
8632 3 977
8635 5 975
8640 2 974
8642 2 973
8644 2 972