Individual results for Zachary Majerus

Location: Middletown,DE

Team: Rackbusters Pro Shop #1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
13762 All Events Regular 316,379,392 N/A 1087
6360 Doubles Regular 110,124,145 N/A 890
14021 Singles Regular 119,145,128 N/A 392
2658 Team Regular 86,98,132 N/A 2325

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 13762

Rank Ties Score
13750 3 1109
13753 - 1102
13754 - 1098
13756 - 1097
13757 2 1096
13759 - 1095
13760 - 1088
13762 2 1087
13764 - 1084
13765 - 1083
13767 - 1080
13768 - 1078
13769 - 1076
13770 - 1075
13771 2 1074
13773 - 1070
13774 - 1067

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 6360

Rank Ties Score
6348 6 893
6354 5 892
6359 - 891
6360 3 890
6363 2 889
6365 3 888
6368 3 887
6371 4 886

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 14021

Rank Ties Score
14009 5 395
14014 5 394
14019 2 393
14021 7 392
14028 5 391
14033 7 390

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 2658

Rank Ties Score
2648 - 2345
2650 - 2342
2651 2 2340
2653 - 2339
2654 - 2338
2655 - 2335
2656 - 2334
2657 - 2332
2658 - 2325
2659 2 2322
2661 - 2320
2662 - 2317
2663 - 2314
2664 - 2313
2665 2 2311
2667 2 2308
2669 - 2307
2670 3 2304