Individual results for Dru Shoemaker

Location: Cypress,TX

Team: Grand Illusion

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1328 Team Classified 140,124,106 N/A 2077
12102 All Events Classified 370,360,69 N/A 799
10534 Doubles Standard 96,138,126 N/A 816
13433 Singles Classified 69,0,0 N/A 69

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 1328

Rank Ties Score
1316 4 2080
1320 3 2079
1323 5 2078
1328 7 2077
1335 6 2076

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 12102

Rank Ties Score
12090 - 805
12094 2 802
12097 3 801
12102 - 799
12103 - 797
12104 - 796
12109 2 790
12111 - 789
12113 3 788

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 10534

Rank Ties Score
10528 6 817
10534 7 816
10541 6 815

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 13433

Rank Ties Score
13421 - 126
13422 - 125
13423 - 120
13424 - 108
13425 - 105
13426 - 104
13427 - 102
13428 - 96
13429 - 94
13430 - 86
13431 - 82
13432 - 80
13433 - 69
13434 - 68
13435 - 57
13436 - 53
13437 - 47
13438 - 46
13439 - 44
13440 - 41
13441 - 26
13442 - 13
13443 - 9
13444 - 3
13445 3 0