Individual results for Gregory Peterson

Location: Benson,MN

Team: BLS #4

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
84 Singles Classified 165,223,186 415 574
39 Team Classified 171,162,190 232 2446
61 All Events Classified 523,503,574 236 1600
644 Doubles Classified 183,168,152 102 974

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 84

Rank Ties Score
72 - 579
73 3 578
76 2 577
78 3 576
81 3 575
84 7 574
91 4 573
95 11 572

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 39

Rank Ties Score
27 - 2462
28 - 2460
29 - 2457
30 - 2455
31 - 2454
32 2 2453
34 - 2452
35 - 2451
36 - 2448
37 2 2447
39 2 2446
41 - 2443
42 2 2441
44 - 2439
45 2 2436
47 2 2435
49 - 2434
50 - 2433
51 - 2432

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 61

Rank Ties Score
49 3 1605
52 2 1604
54 3 1603
57 - 1602
58 3 1601
61 2 1600
63 2 1599
65 2 1598
67 3 1597
70 2 1596
72 3 1595

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 644

Rank Ties Score
644 16 974