Individual results for Larry Harvanko

Location: Champlin,MN

Team: Garage Doors Plus #2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
85 Doubles Standard 204,168,201 413 1159
12797 Singles Standard 141,165,166 N/A 472
69 Team Standard 195,156,184 303 2715
2998 All Events Standard 535,573,472 23 1580

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 85

Rank Ties Score
75 4 1162
79 3 1161
82 3 1160
85 6 1159
91 4 1158
95 4 1157

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 12797

Rank Ties Score
12797 136 472

Event: Team
Division: Standard
Rank: 69

Rank Ties Score
57 - 2731
58 - 2730
59 2 2729
61 - 2727
62 - 2724
63 2 2721
65 - 2720
66 - 2717
67 2 2716
69 - 2715
70 2 2713
72 2 2712
74 2 2711
76 4 2710
80 - 2709
81 - 2708

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 2998

Rank Ties Score
2998 40 1580