Individual results for Andrew Kasten

Location: Green Bay,WI

Team: Minnesota Select Sir

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3130 Doubles Standard 185,163,152 N/A 1011
49 Team Standard 138,224,175 373 2742
6311 Singles Regular 199,172,197 N/A 568
9046 All Events Regular 537,500,568 N/A 1605

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 3130

Rank Ties Score
3130 39 1011

Event: Team
Division: Standard
Rank: 49

Rank Ties Score
37 2 2763
39 - 2762
40 - 2761
41 - 2760
42 - 2758
43 - 2757
44 - 2755
45 - 2754
46 - 2746
47 - 2745
48 - 2743
49 - 2742
50 - 2741
51 2 2738
53 - 2736
54 3 2735
57 - 2731
58 - 2730
59 2 2729
61 - 2727

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 6311

Rank Ties Score
6311 104 568

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 9046

Rank Ties Score
9046 46 1605