Individual results for Adam Corbitt

Location: Belpre,OH

Team: Parkersburg USBC Ass

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
11954 Singles Standard 107,168,148 N/A 423
6042 All Events Standard 550,464,423 N/A 1437
3705 Team Regular 206,151,193 N/A 2353
5128 Doubles Standard 140,166,158 N/A 909

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 11954

Rank Ties Score
11954 57 423

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 6042

Rank Ties Score
6042 47 1437

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 3705

Rank Ties Score
3696 4 2355
3700 5 2354
3705 5 2353
3710 3 2352
3713 10 2351

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 5128

Rank Ties Score
5128 37 909