Individual results for Mike Johnson

Location: Walworth,NY

Team: Genesee Brew House

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
758 Team Regular 191,142,180 60 2760
8002 Singles Regular 156,217,168 N/A 541
8829 All Events Regular 513,527,541 N/A 1581
3834 Doubles Regular 148,202,177 N/A 1055

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 758

Rank Ties Score
751 4 2762
755 3 2761
758 13 2760

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 8002

Rank Ties Score
8002 111 541

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 8829

Rank Ties Score
8829 56 1581

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 3834

Rank Ties Score
3834 45 1055