Individual results for Tee Crowley

Location: Mesa,AZ

Team: Just A Bunch A Mutts

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
20486 Singles Standard 143,0,0 N/A 143
6527 Doubles Standard 177,135,137 N/A 933
275 Team Classified 178,128,123 N/A 2139
20062 All Events Standard 429,449,143 N/A 1021

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 20486

Rank Ties Score
20475 - 179
20476 - 174
20477 - 172
20478 - 170
20479 - 162
20480 - 156
20481 3 148
20484 - 147
20485 - 145
20486 - 143
20487 - 142
20488 2 140
20490 - 139
20491 2 138
20493 - 136
20494 - 132
20495 - 128
20496 2 127
20498 - 125

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 6527

Rank Ties Score
6527 67 933

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 275

Rank Ties Score
263 2 2145
265 4 2144
269 - 2143
270 - 2142
271 3 2141
274 - 2140
275 2 2139
277 2 2138
279 3 2137
282 - 2136
283 4 2135
287 - 2134

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 20062

Rank Ties Score
20050 - 1028
20051 - 1027
20052 2 1026
20054 - 1024
20055 4 1023
20060 2 1022
20062 5 1021
20067 - 1020
20068 4 1019
20072 2 1018
20073 - 915
20074 2 1015