Individual results for Barbara Woodward

Location: Lacey,WA

Team: The Fabulous Five

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1613 All Events Classified 432,450,507 20 1389
362 Team Classified 154,135,143 N/A 2099
756 Singles Classified 135,218,154 126 507
3585 Doubles Classified 133,165,152 N/A 803

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 1613

Rank Ties Score
1613 22 1389

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 362

Rank Ties Score
350 5 2104
354 2 2103
356 - 2102
357 - 2101
358 4 2100
362 5 2099
367 2 2098
369 - 2097
370 2 2096
372 3 2095

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 756

Rank Ties Score
756 29 507

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 3585

Rank Ties Score
3585 18 803