Individual results for Scott Koenig

Location: Hackensack,NJ

Team: Use To Be S

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
4922 Team Regular 145,134,160 N/A 2258
17616 Singles Regular 146,188,144 N/A 478
18352 All Events Regular 439,514,478 N/A 1431
3841 Doubles Regular 164,188,162 N/A 1071

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 4922

Rank Ties Score
4911 3 2261
4914 2 2260
4916 6 2259
4922 4 2258
4925 4 2257
4929 2 2256
4931 4 2255

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 17616

Rank Ties Score
17616 104 478

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 18352

Rank Ties Score
18352 34 1431

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 3841

Rank Ties Score
3841 39 1071
3842 - 1068