Individual results for Robert Adams

Location: Paragould,AR

Team: Memphis USBC

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1802 Doubles Standard 167,182,201 67 1025
326 Singles Standard 221,172,206 273 599
2406 Team Standard 162,142,159 N/A 2270
1169 All Events Standard 463,550,599 70 1612

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 1802

Rank Ties Score
1791 - 1023
1802 43 1025

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 326

Rank Ties Score
326 19 599

Event: Team
Division: Standard
Rank: 2406

Rank Ties Score
2395 - 2272
2402 4 2271
2406 12 2270
2418 14 2269

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 1169

Rank Ties Score
1169 26 1612