Individual results for Peter Oliva

Location: Kildeer,IL

Team: Fuzion Custom Appare

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
5504 Doubles Regular 123,204,163 N/A 1033
20330 Singles Regular 146,130,138 N/A 414
17055 All Events Regular 564,490,414 N/A 1468
337 Team Regular 146,191,227 120 2888

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 5504

Rank Ties Score
5504 51 1033

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 20330

Rank Ties Score
20330 10 414
20340 10 413

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 17055

Rank Ties Score
17055 44 1468

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 337

Rank Ties Score
325 4 2892
329 5 2890
334 3 2889
337 4 2888
341 3 2887
344 2 2886
346 - 2885
347 3 2884